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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Video: Obama’s Whoppers

Video: Obama’s Whoppers

In this video, we look back at some of the more egregious falsehoods uttered by President Obama during his two terms in office.

Obama’s Whoppers

Obama’s Whoppers

A look back at fact-checking the 44th president of the United States

Obama’s Numbers: July Update

Obama’s Numbers: July Update

This is another in our series of regular quarterly updates of key statistical indicators of the Obama presidency. Our intent is to provide accurate measures of what’s changed — for better or worse — since Obama first took office in January 2009.

Who Sells American Gasoline?

Q: Is it true that boycotting companies that import foreign oil will "avoid putting more money into the coffers" of foreign countries?
A: No. There is no way to know for sure whether your local station is selling gasoline from imported or domestic oil. Besides, U.S. oil demand is twice its domestic supply.