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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Tim Scott’s Presidential Campaign Announcement

FactChecking Tim Scott’s Presidential Campaign Announcement

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina announced on May 22 that he will seek the Republican nomination for president in 2024. We reviewed his speech — and an exclusive NBC News interview he did shortly after — and found that he made a few claims that were false, misleading or lacked important context.

The Facts on Judge Jackson’s Defense Work for Gitmo Detainees

The Facts on Judge Jackson’s Defense Work for Gitmo Detainees

In the first day of Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn echoed a party talking point, saying that Jackson used her “time and talent not to serve our nation’s veterans or other vulnerable groups, but to provide free legal services to help terrorists get out of Gitmo and go back to the fight.” Jackson was a federal public defender on four cases, in which the men were not convicted, and continued to represent one man when she worked for a private firm.

Republican Convention Night 3

Republican Convention Night 3

The vice president accepted his party’s nomination and then delivered a speech filled with false and misleading claims..

Trump’s ISIS Claim Goes to the Dogs

Trump’s ISIS Claim Goes to the Dogs

During a White House event honoring a now-famous military dog, President Donald Trump repeated a false talking point on how much Islamic State-held land had been recaptured under his presidency.

Trump’s False Claim about Syrian ‘Safe Zone’

Trump’s False Claim about Syrian ‘Safe Zone’

In explaining his decision to pull U.S. forces from northern Syria and allow Turkey to set up a “safe zone” in Syria, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Turkey has lost “thousands and thousands of people from that safe zone.”

Video: Has ISIS Been ‘Defeated’?

Video: Has ISIS Been ‘Defeated’?

In this fact-checking segment, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews Vice President Mike Pence’s claim that “ISIS has been defeated.”

Opposition Overreach in Nevada

Opposition Overreach in Nevada

Here we go again: opposition researchers spinning sensational-sounding claims from flimsy facts. This time it’s a Democratic ad claiming GOP Rep. Joe Heck of Nevada voted “23 times” against banning terrorists from buying guns.

Americans on Terrorist Watch Lists

Americans on Terrorist Watch Lists

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews Sen. Marco Rubio’s claim about the U.S. government’s terrorist watch lists.

Ted Kennedy and the No-Fly List Myth

Ted Kennedy and the No-Fly List Myth

Several Republican presidential candidates cite Ted Kennedy as a reason why they oppose President Obama’s proposal to block the sale of guns to known or suspected terrorists on the no-fly list. But the TSA says it’s a “myth” that Kennedy was on the no-fly list.