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Trump Muddies Impeachment Timeline

Trump Muddies Impeachment Timeline

President Donald Trump continues to muddle the timeline of events to falsely suggest that the White House release of a memo summarizing his July phone call with the president of Ukraine silenced whistleblowers and contradicted Democratic leaders.

Misleading Narrative About a Supposed ‘Ukrainian Arms Dealer’

Misleading Narrative About a Supposed ‘Ukrainian Arms Dealer’

An online story says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff “are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer” through a 2013 fundraiser. But the supposed “Ukrainian arms dealer” owns a California company that primarily develops airships, including for the U.S. government. He has donated to both parties — not just the Democrats.

Schiff Wrong on Whistleblower Contact

Schiff Wrong on Whistleblower Contact

Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House intelligence committee, wrongly implied that his committee had no contact with the whistleblower before receiving the complaint. Schiff claimed, “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” when the whistleblower had in fact reached out to a committee aide before filing a complaint.

Schiff’s ‘Parody’ and Trump’s Response

Schiff’s ‘Parody’ and Trump’s Response

President Donald Trump has suggested that Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, should be arrested for “treason” and charged with “lying to Congress” for mischaracterizing Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

FactChecking the Mueller Hearings

FactChecking the Mueller Hearings

While former special counsel Robert S. Mueller reiterated in congressional testimony what he said in his voluminous report on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, politicians reiterated some claims about the inquiry and its findings.