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Video: FactChecking Trump’s NATO Claims

Video: FactChecking Trump’s NATO Claims

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at some of the false and misleading statements that President Donald Trump made at a press conference after the NATO summit in Brussels.

Trump Inflates GDP Growth

Trump Inflates GDP Growth

In an interview with The Sun in England, President Donald Trump claimed “the GDP since I’ve taken over has doubled and tripled.” It hasn’t. Not even close.

Trump’s False Claims at NATO

Trump’s False Claims at NATO

At the NATO summit in Brussels, President Donald Trump made several false statements about the defense spending of the member countries.

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending

President Donald Trump continues to wrongly claim that the United States is paying as much as 90 percent of the cost of operating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Trump’s U.N. Speech

Trump’s U.N. Speech

The president made misleading boasts about his record on the economy and foreign issues.

Explaining McCain’s Defense ‘Cut’

Explaining McCain’s Defense ‘Cut’

Sen. John McCain says the budget deal President Donald Trump reached with Democratic leaders “basically freezes last year’s funding in place, which is a cut of $52 billion” in defense spending. In fact, the deal doesn’t cut the defense budget at all.

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Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

The president revises history, exaggerates accomplishments and makes false claims.

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FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

President Donald Trump’s latest campaign-style rally was in Youngstown, Ohio, where the president made some false and misleading claims about military spending, immigrants and job creation.

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100 Days of Whoppers

Donald Trump, the candidate we dubbed the ‘King of Whoppers’ in 2015, has held true to form as president.